Building Services And Environmental Design

Most Clients demand facilities that are low-energy in use and expect that due consideration is given to appropriate and economically viable renewable energy sources. Through our early involvement, and in consultation with other members of the design team, we look to appraise the appropriate methods of servicing the building and take into account the renewable options.
We always seek to deliver solutions that are low energy through design and seek to inform other aspects of the design by taking into account elements including building construction, form and orientation; thermal mass; solar shading and the extent of fenestration All such elements can greatly impact the internal environment and can be designed and integrated to reduce the extent of mechanical heating and cooling that is to be provided which in turn reduces primary energy use and cost.
We pride ourselves upon providing attention to detail in design. We consider that the success of many of our Projects has been largely attributable to the development of detailed design proposals, at tender stage. This removes considerable uncertainty post-contract and can reduce the risk of claims for disruption, delay or additional cost that can so often be brought about through inadequate design proposals at tender stage and the consequential need for the late development of solutions whilst the Works are on site.
At all times, we develop design solutions and provide installations that can be readily understood and managed by the building owner and occupants. One of the greatest failings that may be attributed to engineering services is the provision of overly complex systems and controls that, through over-complication in design, end up being overridden, misunderstood or plainly discarded to the detriment of performance of the building. There is clearly no benefit to owner or occupier if the engineering services cannot be properly and easily managed and operated.
Engineering The Future Since 1924

Established in 1924, we remain an independent partnership specialising in mechanical and electrical building services.